Sarco Resistra high visibility yellow self-centring gas bag with BSI product quality Kitemark accreditation, a world and industry first. The only GIS/E4 350mbar Gas Bags approved and tested by WASK for use in their 312 under pressure natural gas deployment equipment.
Under pressure isolation of Gas Distribution Mains. Suitable for use in Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Steel, PE & PVC Gas Mains from 2” (50mm) to 16” (400mm). Line pressures up to 400mBar and minimum 4:1 bag pressure safety ratio.
Customers supplies maintained during repair, maintenance and asset creation activities utalising the WASK 312 By Pass System. Avoids main depressurisation and repressurisation related problems. The ‘double block and bleed’ design provides safe conditions with no gas propogation into the working section.
By WASK 312 Gas Bag Launching equipment or other under pressure systems.
Industry Approval
The Resistra Gas Bag ranges have been used for over 40 years in UK Gas distribution networks and are currently used and specified by National Grid, Northern Gas Networks, Scotia Gas Networks, Wales & West Utilities, European National Gas Companies, Australasian Gas Companies, North & South American Gas Companies.
Material & Quality Standards
Outer Cover in High Tenacity Nylon with special Polyurethane coating, meeting the requirements of the GIS/E4:2006 standard. All inflatable Gas Bag Stoppers are individually factory tested and dated prior to packing and despatch. Manufactured in the modern Sarco Stopper factory using the latest computer controlled equipment. Sarco Stopper is audited by BSI anualy to maintain its integrated product quality & management systems delivering full traceability of materials and manufacture.
The company maintains an integrated management system that meets the requirements of : ISO 9001:2008 – ISO 14001:2004 – ISO 18001:2007.
Packing & Storage
Resistra Gas Bags are packed in heay duty polythene including opperating guidlines. The Gas Bags must be stored in a cool dry area out of direct sunlight.
Use within 30 months from date of manufacture as specified in the GIS/E4:2006 standard.